nokiax2-02 nin təhlükəsizlik kodunun necə öyrənim?

nokiax2-02 nin təhlükəsizlik kodunu necə keçim?

Verilmiş cavablar və yazılan şərhlər (3 cavab var)

Nihas87 (2014-03-30 20:58:32)
Code #pw+123456789012345+1# type in the following way: 1. Turn on the phone without sim card 2. Select character # on the keypad 3. Characters p, w, + get by choosing few times STAR * 4. Press # button to approve code 5. Message "SIM restriction OFF" appears, Your phone is now unlocked WARNING!!! You have only 3 attempts to enter the code. The last failed attempt will block the counter.

Nihas87 (2014-03-30 20:56:28)
Code #pw+123456789012345+1# bu kodan istifade ele gor alinir.

Nihas87 (2014-03-30 20:53:28)
Salam bilmek olardiki sifirdi yoxsa ikinci el. Sifirdisan 1234 , 0000. ola bilir amaki ikinci eldise o zaman aldigin sexse muraciyet elemelisen.