MySQL SUPER privilege Xətası.

Salam bəylər. phpmyadmin`də sql insert prosesi zamanı bu xəta yaranır: #1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation problem nədədir 7

Verilmiş cavablar və yazılan şərhlər (1 cavab var)

Ruslan Butdayev (2014-06-01 12:07:06)
From the documentation: If you specify the DEFINER clause, you cannot set the value to any user but your own unless you have the SUPER privilege. These rules determine the legal DEFINER user values: *If you do not have the SUPER privilege, the only legal user value is your own account, either specified literally or by using CURRENT_USER. You cannot set the definer to some other account.* If you have the SUPER privilege, you can specify any syntactically legal account name. If the account does not actually exist, a warning is generated. Check your MySQL account, it is not byname@localhost. Solutions: Create new view with DEFINER clause using account that granted with SUPER privilege. Do not use DEFINER clause in CREATE VIEW, in this case MySQL will create view DEFINER = CURRENT_USER. Mənbə

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