Roundabot slideshow- javascriptinə animasiya verə bilmirəm

Salamlar! mənim javascriptnen bağlı problemim var. roundabout slideshow- javascriptinə hərəkət verə bilmirəm.

sizdən xahişim şəkilləri hərəkət vermək üçün buraya nələr əlavə edim? burdaki karusel hərəkət etsin nece edim?

Yadda saxlama
Kateqoriya: Web skriptlər, kod həlləri . . Qısa keçid.

Verilmiş cavablar və yazılan şərhlər (5 cavab var)

(21:17, 07/04/2012 ) #12190

Salam. Bəlli ki nədəsə səhv edirsiniz. Chrome-da Developer Tools-a girib Concole-u açın(və ya Firefox-da Firebug-u) səhifəni reload edib baxın görün hansı erroru verir. O error ilə bilərsiz səhvi. Bilməsəz erroru bura yazın.

Cavablamaq üçün sağ sütundan hesaba daxil olmaq lazımdır

(21:36, 07/04/2012 ) #12191

salam! sadece shekile avtoplay vermek isteyirem ve shekiller dayanmadan hereket etsin, men bura kodlari yazmishdim diyesen gorsenmiyib eledir? eger beledirse tezeden gondererem kodlari bura

Cavablamaq üçün sağ sütundan hesaba daxil olmaq lazımdır

(22:13, 07/04/2012 ) #12195

Sizdə belə bir kod var.

 $(document).ready(function() {



bu kodda
bununla əvəz edin.

Cavablamaq üçün sağ sütundan hesaba daxil olmaq lazımdır

(22:40, 07/04/2012 ) #12199

salam axşamınız xeyir! yoxladim kodu ancaq heç bir dəyişiklik olmadi, bəlkə js-də nəsə dəyişmək lazımdı?
buda js-dəki kodu:
// creates a default shape to be used for pathing
roundabout_shape: {
def: ‘lazySusan’,
lazySusan: function(r, a, t) {
return {
x: Math.sin(r + a),
y: (Math.sin(r + 3*Math.PI/2 + a) / 8) * t,
z: (Math.cos(r + a) + 1) / 2,
scale: (Math.sin(r + Math.PI/2 + a) / 2) + 0.5

jQuery.fn.roundabout = function() {
var options = (typeof arguments[0] != ‘object’) ? {} : arguments[0];

// set options and fill in defaults
options = {
bearing: (typeof options.bearing == ‘undefined’) ? 0.0 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.bearing % 360.0),
tilt: (typeof options.tilt == ‘undefined’) ? 0.0 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.tilt),
minZ: (typeof options.minZ == ‘undefined’) ? 100 : parseInt(options.minZ, 10),
maxZ: (typeof options.maxZ == ‘undefined’) ? 400 : parseInt(options.maxZ, 10),
minOpacity: (typeof options.minOpacity == ‘undefined’) ? 0.40 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.minOpacity),
maxOpacity: (typeof options.maxOpacity == ‘undefined’) ? 1.00 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.maxOpacity),
minScale: (typeof options.minScale == ‘undefined’) ? 0.40 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.minScale),
maxScale: (typeof options.maxScale == ‘undefined’) ? 1.00 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.maxScale),
duration: (typeof options.duration == ‘undefined’) ? 600 : parseInt(options.duration, 10),
btnNext: options.btnNext || null,
btnPrev: options.btnPrev || null,
easing: options.easing || ‘swing’,
clickToFocus: (options.clickToFocus !== false),
focusBearing: (typeof options.focusBearing == ‘undefined’) ? 0.0 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.focusBearing % 360.0),
shape: options.shape || ‘lazySusan’,
debug: options.debug || false,
childSelector: options.childSelector || ‘li’,
startingChild: (typeof options.startingChild == ‘undefined’) ? null : parseInt(options.startingChild, 10),
reflect: (typeof options.reflect == ‘undefined’ || options.reflect === false) ? false : true

// assign things
this.each(function(i) {
var ref = jQuery(this);
var period = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(360.0 / ref.children(options.childSelector).length);
var startingBearing = (options.startingChild === null) ? options.bearing : options.startingChild * period;

// set starting styles
.css(‘padding’, 0)
.css(‘position’, ‘relative’)
.css(‘z-index’, options.minZ);

// set starting options’roundabout’, {
‘bearing’: startingBearing,
’tilt’: options.tilt,
‘minZ’: options.minZ,
‘maxZ’: options.maxZ,
‘minOpacity’: options.minOpacity,
‘maxOpacity’: options.maxOpacity,
‘minScale’: options.minScale,
‘maxScale’: options.maxScale,
‘duration’: options.duration,
‘easing’: options.easing,
‘clickToFocus’: options.clickToFocus,
‘focusBearing’: options.focusBearing,
‘animating’: 0,
‘childInFocus’: -1,
‘shape’: options.shape,
‘period’: period,
‘debug’: options.debug,
‘childSelector’: options.childSelector,
‘reflect’: options.reflect

// bind click events
if (options.clickToFocus === true) {
ref.children(options.childSelector).each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).click(function(e) {
var degrees = (options.reflect === true) ? 360.0 – (period * i) : period * i;
degrees = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(degrees);
if (!jQuery.roundabout_isInFocus(ref, degrees)) {
if (’roundabout’).animating === 0) {
return false;

// bind next buttons
if (options.btnNext) {
jQuery(options.btnNext).bind(‘click.roundabout’, function(e) {
if (’roundabout’).animating === 0) {
return false;

// bind previous buttons
if (options.btnPrev) {
jQuery(options.btnPrev).bind(‘click.roundabout’, function(e) {
if (’roundabout’).animating === 0) {
return false;

// start children

// callback once ready
if (typeof arguments[1] === ‘function’) {
var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);

return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_startChildren = function() {
this.each(function(i) {
var ref = jQuery(this);
var data =’roundabout’);
var children = ref.children(data.childSelector);

children.each(function(i) {
var degrees = (data.reflect === true) ? 360.0 – (data.period * i) : data.period * i;

// apply classes and css first
.css(‘position’, ‘absolute’);

// then measure
jQuery(this).data(’roundabout’, {
‘startWidth’: jQuery(this).width(),
‘startHeight’: jQuery(this).height(),
‘startFontSize’: parseInt(jQuery(this).css(‘font-size’), 10),
‘degrees’: degrees

return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_setTilt = function(newTilt) {
this.each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).data(’roundabout’).tilt = newTilt;

if (typeof arguments[1] === ‘function’) {
var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);

return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_setBearing = function(newBearing) {
this.each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).data(’roundabout’).bearing = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(newBearing % 360, 2);

if (typeof arguments[1] === ‘function’) {
var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);

return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_adjustBearing = function(delta) {
delta = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(delta);
if (delta !== 0) {
this.each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).data(’roundabout’).bearing = jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)) + delta;

if (typeof arguments[1] === ‘function’) {
var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);

return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_adjustTilt = function(delta) {
delta = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(delta);
if (delta !== 0) {
this.each(function(i) {
jQuery(this).data(’roundabout’).tilt = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(jQuery(this).roundabout_get(’tilt’) + delta);

if (typeof arguments[1] === ‘function’) {
var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);

return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToBearing = function(bearing) {
bearing = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(bearing);
var currentTime = new Date();
var duration = (typeof arguments[1] == ‘undefined’) ? null : arguments[1];
var easingType = (typeof arguments[2] == ‘undefined’) ? null : arguments[2];
var passedData = (typeof arguments[3] !== ‘object’) ? null : arguments[3];

this.each(function(i) {
var ref = jQuery(this), data =’roundabout’), timer, easingFn, newBearing;
var thisDuration = (duration === null) ? data.duration : duration;
var thisEasingType = (easingType !== null) ? easingType : data.easing || ‘swing’;

if (passedData === null) {
passedData = {
timerStart: currentTime,
start: jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(ref),
totalTime: thisDuration
timer = currentTime – passedData.timerStart;

if (timer < thisDuration) {
data.animating = 1;

if (typeof jQuery.easing.def == 'string') {
easingFn = jQuery.easing[thisEasingType] || jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def];
newBearing = easingFn(null, timer, passedData.start, bearing – passedData.start, passedData.totalTime);
} else {
newBearing = jQuery.easing[thisEasingType]((timer / passedData.totalTime), timer, passedData.start, bearing – passedData.start, passedData.totalTime);

ref.roundabout_setBearing(newBearing, function() { ref.roundabout_animateToBearing(bearing, thisDuration, thisEasingType, passedData); });
} else {
bearing = (bearing < 0) ? bearing + 360 : bearing % 360;
data.animating = 0;
return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToDelta = function(delta) {
var duration = arguments[1], easing = arguments[2];
this.each(function(i) {
delta = jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)) + jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(delta);
jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToBearing(delta, duration, easing);
return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToChild = function(childPos) {
var duration = arguments[1], easing = arguments[2];
this.each(function(i) {
var ref = jQuery(this), data ='roundabout');
if (data.childInFocus !== childPos && data.animating === 5) {
var child = jQuery(ref.children(data.childSelector)[childPos]);
ref.roundabout_animateAngleToFocus('roundabout').degrees, duration, easing);
return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToNearbyChild = function(passedArgs, which) {
var duration = passedArgs[0], easing = passedArgs[1];
this.each(function(i) {
var data = jQuery(this).data('roundabout');
var bearing = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(360.0 – jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)));
var period = data.period, j = 0, range;
var reflect = data.reflect;
var length = jQuery(this).children(data.childSelector).length;

bearing = (reflect === true) ? bearing % 360.0 : bearing;

if (data.animating === 0) {
// if we're not reflecting and we're moving to next or
// we are reflecting and we're moving previous
if ((reflect === false && which === 'next') || (reflect === true && which !== 'next')) {
bearing = (bearing === 0) ? 360 : bearing;

// counterclockwise
while (true && j < length) {
range = { lower: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * j), upper: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * (j + 1)) };
range.upper = (j == length – 1) ? 360.0 : range.upper; // adjust for javascript being bad at floats

if (bearing range.lower) {
jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToDelta(bearing – range.lower, duration, easing);
} else {
// clockwise
while (true) {
range = { lower: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * j), upper: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * (j + 1)) };
range.upper = (j == length – 1) ? 360.0 : range.upper; // adjust for javascript being bad at floats

if (bearing >= range.lower && bearing < range.upper) {
jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToDelta(bearing – range.upper, duration, easing);
return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToNextChild = function() {
return this.roundabout_animateToNearbyChild(arguments, 'next');

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToPreviousChild = function() {
return this.roundabout_animateToNearbyChild(arguments, 'previous');

// moves a given angle to the focus by the shortest means possible
jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateAngleToFocus = function(target) {
var duration = arguments[1], easing = arguments[2];
this.each(function(i) {
var delta = jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)) – target;
delta = (Math.abs(360.0 – delta) 180) ? -(360.0 – delta) : delta;

if (delta !== 0) {
jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToDelta(delta, duration, easing);
return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_updateChildPositions = function() {
this.each(function(i) {
var ref = jQuery(this), data =’roundabout’);
var inFocus = -1;
var info = {
bearing: jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(ref),
tilt: data.tilt,
stage: { width: Math.floor(ref.width() * 0.9), height: Math.floor(ref.height() * 0.9) },
animating: data.animating,
inFocus: data.childInFocus,
focusBearingRad: jQuery.roundabout_degToRad(data.focusBearing),
shape: jQuery.roundabout_shape[data.shape] || jQuery.roundabout_shape[jQuery.roundabout_shape.def]
info.midStage = { width: info.stage.width / 2, height: info.stage.height / 2 };
info.nudge = { width: info.midStage.width + info.stage.width * 0.05, height: info.midStage.height + info.stage.height * 0.05 };
info.zValues = { min: data.minZ, max: data.maxZ, diff: data.maxZ – data.minZ };
info.opacity = { min: data.minOpacity, max: data.maxOpacity, diff: data.maxOpacity – data.minOpacity };
info.scale = { min: data.minScale, max: data.maxScale, diff: data.maxScale – data.minScale };

// update child positions
ref.children(data.childSelector).each(function(i) {
if (jQuery.roundabout_updateChildPosition(jQuery(this), ref, info, i) && info.animating === 0) {
inFocus = i;
} else {

// update status of who is in focus
if (inFocus !== info.inFocus) {
jQuery.roundabout_triggerEvent(ref, info.inFocus, ‘blur’);

if (inFocus !== -1) {
jQuery.roundabout_triggerEvent(ref, inFocus, ‘focus’);

data.childInFocus = inFocus;
return this;


jQuery.roundabout_getBearing = function(el) {
return jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(’roundabout’).bearing) % 360;

jQuery.roundabout_degToRad = function(degrees) {
return (degrees % 360.0) * Math.PI / 180.0;

jQuery.roundabout_isInFocus = function(el, target) {
return (jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(el) % 360 === (target % 360));

jQuery.roundabout_triggerEvent = function(el, child, eventType) {
return (child < 0) ? this : jQuery(el.children('roundabout').childSelector)[child]).trigger(eventType);

jQuery.roundabout_toFloat = function(number) {
number = Math.round(parseFloat(number) * 1000) / 1000;
return parseFloat(number.toFixed(2));

jQuery.roundabout_updateChildPosition = function(child, container, info, childPos) {
var ref = jQuery(child), data ='roundabout'), out = [];
var rad = jQuery.roundabout_degToRad((360.0 –'roundabout').degrees) + info.bearing);

// adjust radians to be between 0 and Math.PI * 2
while (rad Math.PI * 2) {
rad = rad – Math.PI * 2;

var factors = info.shape(rad, info.focusBearingRad, info.tilt); // obj with x, y, z, and scale values

// correct
factors.scale = (factors.scale > 1) ? 1 : factors.scale;
factors.adjustedScale = (info.scale.min + (info.scale.diff * factors.scale)).toFixed(4);
factors.width = (factors.adjustedScale * data.startWidth).toFixed(4);
factors.height = (factors.adjustedScale * data.startHeight).toFixed(4);

// alter item
.css(‘left’, ((factors.x * info.midStage.width + info.nudge.width) – factors.width / 2.0).toFixed(1) + ‘px’)
.css(‘top’, ((factors.y * info.midStage.height + info.nudge.height) – factors.height / 2.0).toFixed(1) + ‘px’)
.css(‘width’, factors.width + ‘px’)
.css(‘height’, factors.height + ‘px’)
.css(‘opacity’, (info.opacity.min + (info.opacity.diff * factors.scale)).toFixed(2))
.css(‘z-index’, Math.round(info.zValues.min + (info.zValues.diff * factors.z)))
.css(‘font-size’, (factors.adjustedScale * data.startFontSize).toFixed(2) + ‘px’)
.attr(‘current-scale’, factors.adjustedScale);

if (’roundabout’).debug === true) {
out.push(‘Child ‘ + childPos + ‘‘);
out.push(‘left: ‘ + ref.css(‘left’) + ‘top: ‘ + ref.css(‘top’) + ”);
out.push(‘width: ‘ + ref.css(‘width’) + ‘opacity: ‘ + ref.css(‘opacity’) + ”);
out.push(‘z-index: ‘ + ref.css(‘z-index’) + ‘font-size: ‘ + ref.css(‘font-size’) + ”);
out.push(‘scale: ‘ + ref.attr(‘current-scale’));


return jQuery.roundabout_isInFocus(container,’roundabout’).degrees);

Cavablamaq üçün sağ sütundan hesaba daxil olmaq lazımdır

(23:46, 07/04/2012 ) #12202
... //... creates a default shape to be used for pathing
	roundabout_shape: {
		def: 'lazySusan',
		lazySusan: function(r, a, t) {
			return {
				x: Math.sin(r + a), 
				y: (Math.sin(r + 3*Math.PI/2 + a) / 8) * t, 
				z: (Math.cos(r + a) + 1) / 2,
				scale: (Math.sin(r + Math.PI/2 + a) / 2) + 0.5

jQuery.fn.roundabout = function() {
	var options = (typeof arguments[0] != 'object') ? {} : arguments[0];

	// set options and fill in defaults
	options = {
		bearing: (typeof options.bearing == 'undefined') ? 0.0 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.bearing % 360.0),
		tilt: (typeof options.tilt == 'undefined') ? 0.0 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.tilt),
		minZ: (typeof options.minZ == 'undefined') ? 100 : parseInt(options.minZ, 10),
		maxZ: (typeof options.maxZ == 'undefined') ? 400 : parseInt(options.maxZ, 10),
		minOpacity: (typeof options.minOpacity == 'undefined') ? 0.40 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.minOpacity),
		maxOpacity: (typeof options.maxOpacity == 'undefined') ? 1.00 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.maxOpacity),
		minScale: (typeof options.minScale == 'undefined') ? 0.40 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.minScale),
		maxScale: (typeof options.maxScale == 'undefined') ? 1.00 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.maxScale),
		duration: (typeof options.duration == 'undefined') ? 600 : parseInt(options.duration, 10),
		btnNext: options.btnNext || null,
		btnPrev: options.btnPrev || null,
		easing: options.easing || 'swing',
		clickToFocus: (options.clickToFocus !== false),
		focusBearing: (typeof options.focusBearing == 'undefined') ? 0.0 : jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(options.focusBearing % 360.0),
		shape: options.shape || 'lazySusan',
		debug: options.debug || false,
		childSelector: options.childSelector || 'li',
		startingChild: (typeof options.startingChild == 'undefined') ? null : parseInt(options.startingChild, 10),
		reflect: (typeof options.reflect == 'undefined' || options.reflect === false) ? false : true

	// assign things 
	this.each(function(i) {
		var ref = jQuery(this);
		var period = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(360.0 / ref.children(options.childSelector).length);
		var startingBearing = (options.startingChild === null) ? options.bearing : options.startingChild * period;
		// set starting styles
			.css('padding', 0)
			.css('position', 'relative')
			.css('z-index', options.minZ);
		// set starting options'roundabout', {
			'bearing': startingBearing,
			'tilt': options.tilt,
			'minZ': options.minZ,
			'maxZ': options.maxZ,
			'minOpacity': options.minOpacity,
			'maxOpacity': options.maxOpacity,
			'minScale': options.minScale,
			'maxScale': options.maxScale,
			'duration': options.duration,
			'easing': options.easing,
			'clickToFocus': options.clickToFocus,
			'focusBearing': options.focusBearing,
			'animating': 0,
			'childInFocus': -1,
			'shape': options.shape,
			'period': period,
			'debug': options.debug,
			'childSelector': options.childSelector,
			'reflect': options.reflect
		// bind click events
		if (options.clickToFocus === true) {
			ref.children(options.childSelector).each(function(i) {
				jQuery(this).click(function(e) {
					var degrees = (options.reflect === true) ? 360.0 - (period * i) : period * i;
					degrees = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(degrees);
					if (!jQuery.roundabout_isInFocus(ref, degrees)) {
						if ('roundabout').animating === 0) {
						return false;
		// bind next buttons
		if (options.btnNext) {
			jQuery(options.btnNext).bind('click.roundabout', function(e) {
				if ('roundabout').animating === 0) {
				return false;
		// bind previous buttons
		if (options.btnPrev) {
			jQuery(options.btnPrev).bind('click.roundabout', function(e) {
				if ('roundabout').animating === 0) {
				return false;

	// start children

	// callback once ready
	if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
		var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
		setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);

	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_startChildren = function() {
	this.each(function(i) {
		var ref = jQuery(this);
		var data ='roundabout');
		var children = ref.children(data.childSelector);
		children.each(function(i) {
			var degrees = (data.reflect === true) ? 360.0 - (data.period * i) : data.period * i;

			// apply classes and css first
				.css('position', 'absolute');
			// then measure
			jQuery(this).data('roundabout', {
				'startWidth': jQuery(this).width(),
				'startHeight': jQuery(this).height(),
				'startFontSize': parseInt(jQuery(this).css('font-size'), 10),
				'degrees': degrees
	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_setTilt = function(newTilt) {
	this.each(function(i) {
		jQuery(this).data('roundabout').tilt = newTilt;
	if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
		var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
		setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);
	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_setBearing = function(newBearing) {
	this.each(function(i) {
		jQuery(this).data('roundabout').bearing = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(newBearing % 360, 2);

	if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
		var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
		setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);
	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_adjustBearing = function(delta) {
	delta = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(delta);
	if (delta !== 0) {
		this.each(function(i) {
			jQuery(this).data('roundabout').bearing = jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)) + delta;
	if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
		var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
		setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);

	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_adjustTilt = function(delta) {
	delta = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(delta);
	if (delta !== 0) {
		this.each(function(i) {
			jQuery(this).data('roundabout').tilt = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(jQuery(this).roundabout_get('tilt') + delta);
	if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
		var callback = arguments[1], ref = this;
		setTimeout(function() { callback(ref); }, 0);

	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToBearing = function(bearing) {
	bearing = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(bearing);
	var currentTime = new Date();
	var duration    = (typeof arguments[1] == 'undefined') ? null : arguments[1];
	var easingType  = (typeof arguments[2] == 'undefined') ? null : arguments[2];
	var passedData  = (typeof arguments[3] !== 'object')   ? null : arguments[3];

	this.each(function(i) {
		var ref = jQuery(this), data ='roundabout'), timer, easingFn, newBearing;
		var thisDuration = (duration === null) ? data.duration : duration;
		var thisEasingType = (easingType !== null) ? easingType : data.easing || 'swing';

		if (passedData === null) {
			passedData = {
				timerStart: currentTime,
				start: jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(ref),
				totalTime: thisDuration
		timer = currentTime - passedData.timerStart;

		if (timer < thisDuration) {
			data.animating = 1;
			if (typeof jQuery.easing.def == 'string') {
				easingFn = jQuery.easing[thisEasingType] || jQuery.easing[jQuery.easing.def];
				newBearing = easingFn(null, timer, passedData.start, bearing - passedData.start, passedData.totalTime);
			} else {
				newBearing = jQuery.easing[thisEasingType]((timer / passedData.totalTime), timer, passedData.start, bearing - passedData.start, passedData.totalTime);
			ref.roundabout_setBearing(newBearing, function() { ref.roundabout_animateToBearing(bearing, thisDuration, thisEasingType, passedData); });
		} else {
			bearing = (bearing < 0) ? bearing + 360 : bearing % 360;
			data.animating = 0;
	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToDelta = function(delta) {
	var duration = arguments[1], easing = arguments[2];
	this.each(function(i) {
		delta = jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)) + jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(delta);
		jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToBearing(delta, duration, easing);
	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToChild = function(childPos) {	
	var duration = arguments[1], easing = arguments[2];	
	this.each(function(i) {
		var ref = jQuery(this), data ='roundabout');
		if (data.childInFocus !== childPos && data.animating === 5) {		
			var child = jQuery(ref.children(data.childSelector)[childPos]);
			ref.roundabout_animateAngleToFocus('roundabout').degrees, duration, easing);
	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToNearbyChild = function(passedArgs, which) {
	var duration = passedArgs[0], easing = passedArgs[1];
	this.each(function(i) {
		var data     = jQuery(this).data('roundabout');
		var bearing  = jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(360.0 - jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)));
		var period   = data.period, j = 0, range;
		var reflect  = data.reflect;
		var length   = jQuery(this).children(data.childSelector).length;

		bearing = (reflect === true) ? bearing % 360.0 : bearing;
		if (data.animating === 0) {
			// if we're not reflecting and we're moving to next or
			//    we are reflecting and we're moving previous
			if ((reflect === false && which === 'next') || (reflect === true && which !== 'next')) {
				bearing = (bearing === 0) ? 360 : bearing;
				// counterclockwise
				while (true && j < length) {
					range = { lower: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * j), upper: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * (j + 1)) };
					range.upper = (j == length - 1) ? 360.0 : range.upper;  // adjust for javascript being bad at floats

					if (bearing <= range.upper && bearing > range.lower) {
						jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToDelta(bearing - range.lower, duration, easing);
			} else {
				// clockwise
				while (true) {
					range = { lower: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * j), upper: jQuery.roundabout_toFloat(period * (j + 1)) };
					range.upper = (j == length - 1) ? 360.0 : range.upper;  // adjust for javascript being bad at floats

					if (bearing >= range.lower && bearing < range.upper) {
						jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToDelta(bearing - range.upper, duration, easing);
	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToNextChild = function() {	
	return this.roundabout_animateToNearbyChild(arguments, 'next');

jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateToPreviousChild = function() {	
	return this.roundabout_animateToNearbyChild(arguments, 'previous');

// moves a given angle to the focus by the shortest means possible
jQuery.fn.roundabout_animateAngleToFocus = function(target) {
	var duration = arguments[1], easing = arguments[2];
	this.each(function(i) {
		var delta = jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(jQuery(this)) - target;
		delta = (Math.abs(360.0 - delta) < Math.abs(0.0 - delta)) ? 360.0 - delta : 0.0 - delta;
		delta = (delta > 180) ? -(360.0 - delta) : delta;
		if (delta !== 0) {
			jQuery(this).roundabout_animateToDelta(delta, duration, easing);	
	return this;

jQuery.fn.roundabout_updateChildPositions = function() {
	this.each(function(i) {
		var ref = jQuery(this), data ='roundabout');
		var inFocus = -1;
		var info = {
			bearing: jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(ref),
			tilt: data.tilt,
			stage: { width: Math.floor(ref.width() * 0.9), height: Math.floor(ref.height() * 0.9) },
			animating: data.animating,
			inFocus: data.childInFocus,
			focusBearingRad: jQuery.roundabout_degToRad(data.focusBearing),
			shape: jQuery.roundabout_shape[data.shape] || jQuery.roundabout_shape[jQuery.roundabout_shape.def]
		info.midStage = { width: info.stage.width / 2, height: info.stage.height / 2 };
		info.nudge = { width: info.midStage.width + info.stage.width * 0.05, height: info.midStage.height + info.stage.height * 0.05 };
		info.zValues = { min: data.minZ, max: data.maxZ, diff: data.maxZ - data.minZ };
		info.opacity = { min: data.minOpacity, max: data.maxOpacity, diff: data.maxOpacity - data.minOpacity };
		info.scale = { min: data.minScale, max: data.maxScale, diff: data.maxScale - data.minScale };

		// update child positions
		ref.children(data.childSelector).each(function(i) {
			if (jQuery.roundabout_updateChildPosition(jQuery(this), ref, info, i) && info.animating === 0) {
				inFocus = i;
			} else {

		// update status of who is in focus
		if (inFocus !== info.inFocus) {
			jQuery.roundabout_triggerEvent(ref, info.inFocus, 'blur');

			if (inFocus !== -1) {
				jQuery.roundabout_triggerEvent(ref, inFocus, 'focus');

			data.childInFocus = inFocus;
	return this;	


jQuery.roundabout_getBearing = function(el) {
	return jQuery.roundabout_toFloat('roundabout').bearing) % 360;

jQuery.roundabout_degToRad = function(degrees) {
	return (degrees % 360.0) * Math.PI / 180.0;

jQuery.roundabout_isInFocus = function(el, target) {
	return (jQuery.roundabout_getBearing(el) % 360 === (target % 360));

jQuery.roundabout_triggerEvent = function(el, child, eventType) {
	return (child < 0) ? this : jQuery(el.children('roundabout').childSelector)[child]).trigger(eventType);

jQuery.roundabout_toFloat = function(number) {
	number = Math.round(parseFloat(number) * 1000) / 1000;
	return parseFloat(number.toFixed(2));

jQuery.roundabout_updateChildPosition = function(child, container, info, childPos) {
	var ref = jQuery(child), data ='roundabout'), out = [];
	var rad = jQuery.roundabout_degToRad((360.0 -'roundabout').degrees) + info.bearing);
	// adjust radians to be between 0 and Math.PI * 2
	while (rad < 0) {
		rad = rad + Math.PI * 2;
	while (rad > Math.PI * 2) {
		rad = rad - Math.PI * 2;
	var factors = info.shape(rad, info.focusBearingRad, info.tilt); // obj with x, y, z, and scale values

	// correct
	factors.scale = (factors.scale > 1) ? 1 : factors.scale;
	factors.adjustedScale = (info.scale.min + (info.scale.diff * factors.scale)).toFixed(4);
	factors.width = (factors.adjustedScale * data.startWidth).toFixed(4);
	factors.height = (factors.adjustedScale * data.startHeight).toFixed(4);
	// alter item
		.css('left', ((factors.x * info.midStage.width + info.nudge.width) - factors.width / 2.0).toFixed(1) + 'px')
		.css('top', ((factors.y * info.midStage.height + info.nudge.height) - factors.height / 2.0).toFixed(1) + 'px')
		.css('width', factors.width + 'px')
		.css('height', factors.height + 'px')
		.css('opacity', (info.opacity.min + (info.opacity.diff * factors.scale)).toFixed(2))
		.css('z-index', Math.round(info.zValues.min + (info.zValues.diff * factors.z)))
		.css('font-size', (factors.adjustedScale * data.startFontSize).toFixed(2) + 'px')
		.attr('current-scale', factors.adjustedScale);
	if ('roundabout').debug === true) {
		out.push('<div style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 10px; padding: 2px; width: ' + ref.css('width') + '; background-color: #ffc;">');
		out.push('<strong style="font-size: 12px; white-space: nowrap;">Child ' + childPos + '</strong><br />');
		out.push('<strong>left:</strong> ' + ref.css('left') + '<br /><strong>top:</strong> ' + ref.css('top') + '<br />');
		out.push('<strong>width:</strong> ' + ref.css('width') + '<br /><strong>opacity:</strong> ' + ref.css('opacity') + '<br />');
		out.push('<strong>z-index:</strong> ' + ref.css('z-index') + '<br /><strong>font-size:</strong> ' + ref.css('font-size') + '<br />');
		out.push('<strong>scale:</strong> ' + ref.attr('current-scale'));

	return jQuery.roundabout_isInFocus(container,'roundabout').degrees);
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