Asos-dan alınan malın qaytarılması

salam. asosdan aldığım paltarlar bu gün geldi lakin birinin ölçüsü uyğun gelmedi digərindən də xoşum gelmedi indi bunlari qaytarmaq yadaki başqasıyla deyişmək istəyirəm. bunu nece edə bilərəm?

Yadda saxlama
Kateqoriya: Sual . . Qısa keçid.

Verilmiş cavablar və yazılan şərhlər (4 cavab var)

(15:32, 19/06/2012 ) #16869

Sellerə müraciət edin

Cavablamaq üçün sağ sütundan hesaba daxil olmaq lazımdır

(16:28, 19/06/2012 ) #16874

geniş məlumata görə tşk

Cavablamaq üçün sağ sütundan hesaba daxil olmaq lazımdır

(18:47, 19/06/2012 ) #16887

bunu eləmişdim və bu mail gəldi
Hello there,
Thanks for contacting us about your Return. We are currently experiencing an increased volume of e-mails which is unfortunately causing delays to our usual speed of response. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this delay may cause. Rather than keep you waiting, we thought we would drop you an email with some information we believe may answer your query.

We’d also encourage you to have a look at our Help & Contact Page which answers most of our customers questions – click here to see it.
General information about ASOS Returns:
As an online business, we aim to provide a Returns service that is totally hassle-free for you. From receipt, you have 28 days to decide if you want to return any item within your order. Just fill out the Returns Form enclosed with your order. Please be advised that Sale items are returnable under our Returns Policy.
If you are a UK customer, there are 3 ways you can return your goods. Simply click here for full information on how to return your parcel.
If you are a International customer information can be found on how to return your parcel by clicking here.
Please note that it can take between 7 and 21 days for us to receive your returned parcel (dependant on your location). Your specific timescale can be found on your Returns Note. If you’re unable to locate your Returns Note, please click here to print a new one. We will process your request for a replacement or refund within 24 hours of receipt.
If this has not answer your query please reply to this email

If you require a replacement…

If you have asked for a replacement this will processed within 24 hours of receipt. This is subject to available stock and you will receive an email when your replacement goods have been packed and dispatched. Replacements are sent using the same delivery service as the original order. If your requested replacement is not in stock, we will automatically refund you and an email will be sent to you to confirm this.

If you require a refund…

Once we have processed your returned goods, we will issue a refund and send you an email confirming the details of what we have refunded. The refund will automatically be processed back to the card used to make the original purchase and can take up to 10 days to appear on your account, depending on who your card issuer is.

If this has not answer your query please reply to this email.
If you are waiting for your return to be processed…

If you’ve already allowed your return timescale and haven’t yet received an email letting you know your return has been processed, please get back in touch by replying to this email and attach your proof of posting or fax it to us on + 44 1442 840 278, including your order number. We will then sort out your replacement or refund as quickly as possible.

We hope this has answered your query, however if you still need help after reading this information, please reply back to this e-mail and we’ll do our best to help you as quickly as we can.

All the best,

ASOS Customer Care
ancaq neticə çıxara bilmədim yəni mən nə etməliyəm yenidən poçta verim?

Cavablamaq üçün sağ sütundan hesaba daxil olmaq lazımdır

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Cavab yazmaq üçün lütfən sağ sütundan və ya buradan hesaba daxil olun.

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