Webmoney barədə

Xahiş edirəm mənə webmoney barəsində kömək edəsiniz. vvebmoneyimə sms kod gəlmir. nömrəm simdi. başımda çıxmır. çox xahiş edirəm köməklik göstərin. supporta yazdım bunu yazdı.

Your mobile operator informed us the identificator of your Sim-card has been changed.
Re-register the phone number in our system:
1) Be sure that you have access to WM Keeper WebPro (Light) using a personal certificate;
2) Copy the link https://security.wmtransfer.com/asp/resetphs2.asp
and paste it into the address bar of your browser;
3) On the authorization page (WM Login) click on the icon “blue ant” in the bottom left corner, then enter the numbers from the picture and click “Enter”;
4) On the security page click the button “Re-register”;
5) Then you will receive a message with the code on your phone, enter the code and click the button “Check SMS-code”;
6) After successful verification you will receive the messages to the contact E-mail and in Keeper containing the link that you have follow after the specified date.


If you don´t have an access you always can recover it by this instruction http://wiki.wmtransfer.com/projects/webmoney/wiki/Restoring_control_over_WM_Keeper_WebPro

Problemimi həll etməkdə köməklik göstərənə 1 wmz göndərəcəm. skayp: riko.azenec

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