Web based system

salam. “Web based system” nədir? Yəni mənə sadəcə başlıq olaraq nədən ibarət olması lazımdır? Və ya başlıq olaraq əsas hansı hissələrdən ibarətdir?

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Kateqoriya: Sual . , . Qısa keçid.

Verilmiş cavablar və yazılan şərhlər (4 cavab var)

(10:49, 23/10/2016 ) #65616

Web based system, yəni vebə əsaslandırılmış. Sistem Veb üzərində olur, hər-hansı bir əməliyyat sistemindən asılı olmur. Sistemə giriş üçün hər-hansı bir proqram təminatına ehtiyac duyulmur. Sistemə brauzer vasitəsilə giriş edilir.

Cavablamaq üçün sağ sütundan hesaba daxil olmaq lazımdır

    (12:53, 23/10/2016 ) #65617

    Bu movzu hansısa əsas movzulardan ibarətdir? Mən ingiliscə bu haqda təqdimat düzətməliyəm . İng-cə dəqiq bilmirəm. Məs: Fizika kinematika , dinamika və s. ibarətdi. onun kimi hansısa hissələrdən ibarətdir? Çox sagol.

    Cavablamaq üçün sağ sütundan hesaba daxil olmaq lazımdır

      (15:54, 23/10/2016 ) #65619

      Başlıq olaraq biraz Web əsaslı sistemlər haqda yazın.
      A Web-based application refers to any program that is accessed over a network connection using HTTP, rather than existing within a device’s memory. Web-based applications often run inside a Web browser. However, Web-based applications also may be client-based, where a small part of the program is downloaded to a user’s desktop, but processing is done over the Internet on an external server.
      Web-based applications are also known as Web apps.

      Web əsaslı sistem hazırlanarkən ilk öncə dizayn hissəsi(front-end) hazırlanır, sonra isə proqramlaşdırılır(back-end). Bu iki hissə haqqında məlumat vermək olar:


      Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly. The challenge associated with front end development is that the tools and techniques used to create the front end of a website change constantly and so the developer needs to constantly be aware of how the field is developing.

      The objective of designing a site is to ensure that when the users open up the site they see the information in a format that is easy to read and relevant. This is further complicated by the fact that users now use a large variety of devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions thus forcing the designer to take into consideration these aspects when designing the site. They need to ensure that their site comes up correctly in different browsers (cross-browser), different operating systems (cross-platform) and different devices (cross-device), which requires careful planning on the side of the developer.


      Back-end development references a client server architecture common in ecommerce. Client side tends to have a strong user interface skill and the server side a strong API skill. But they overlap.

      A backend developer could just be focused on a database and providing an API to it or on a server language like PHP and those mentioned so far and provide an API to it. Their work would need to be accessible to many other back end applications such as the database developer example and more to many front end applications. For example today many web backends service not only desktop and mobile web front ends but also device apps and even desktop apps. So the back end developer will not know how all of those front ends work but provide a server side interface such as a REST interface for those multiple front end technologies to access such as a login. Server developer can also make user interfaces that are probably less robust for administrative access to their code, functionality and data.

      A front end developer in a client server architecture could be an app developer such as with Android, iOS or Windows and even be a specialist in one of those working with the UI libraries available in those OSs. They could be a desktop developer such as MacOS or Windows or Linux working with the UI libraries available in those OSs. Pretty much everyone on client side have knowledge of HTML CSS as that shows up even in native apps. User interface developers often have skills at building and using APIs. For example the Javascript angular.js MVC or the iOS MVC and the javascript JQuery API. In this sense a front end developer could be working with data API once it arrives on the client side and have less to do with the actual look and feel aspect of the front end.

      In all cases an overlap in skills is a good to have for communication among the team and debugging client server apps. I always joke that the UI person takes the blame for anything that seems to go wrong because it is the cover to the book. In resolving the problem sometimes the UI person needs to clearly understand the surface interface language or at least the API of the server side to help isolate the problem solving effort. Same goes for the server side developers. However they are at the disadvantage because they could be serving many different client side technologies. So they often fall back to their own testing of the API hooks to isolate and remove themselves from the problem solving issues. But you can see the communication not only person to person on a professional team basis but mores on data transmission, the structure and tagging of the data is improved when both sides have a good understanding of their respective technologies to the extend of the data.

      The backend to a website is pretty much everything the user can’t see. Generally, this means the programming that generates pages that the user views, creating the “server-side” content of the site. This could be scripts, directives, databases, and other automated functions the server performs.

      Back-end development includes the server implementation and it more on the logical interaction of data, how it is stored, and transmitted. Back-end developers typically work with programming languages such as PHP, Python, Go, and new Javascript libraries like Node.

      Bunlardan sonra isə, məlumatların bazada necə saxlanması, sonra isə məşhur veb əsaslı sistemlər barədə məlumat verərək, təqdimatı yekunlaşdırmaq olar.

      Cavablamaq üçün sağ sütundan hesaba daxil olmaq lazımdır

    (16:36, 23/10/2016 ) #65620

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